更让人欣慰和感动的是,林浩在众多荣誉面前不但一直保持着平常心,而且在平凡的学习和生活中始终心怀感恩,不断以实际行动回馈社会各界对四川的关爱。面对公众,林浩说的最多的词汇就是代表家乡说“感谢”。从汶川到玉树、从合肥到荆州、从长沙到深圳、从北京到台湾、从香港到马来西亚------这几年,林浩到过不少地方,参加了200多场次社会公益活动,代表川人对外感恩 “代言”,为灾后心灵重建和社会公益事业做出了特殊贡献,被誉为“中国最具影响力的正能量童星”。
A heroic boy in 5.12 Earthquake and one of the flag-escorts on opening ceremony of 2008 Olympic Games; one of “the Most Moving Figures in 60 years from Founding of China” which is one activity of National “Double-100 Top figures” and saluting boy at 60-year anniversary of National Day; a selected figure in 20 Youths Influencing the World and a singer for public benefit and a charity star with star-style. On his way from the beginning, he is grateful to “To Be With You”–The benefit from all the albums will be used to help Left-behind Children in Rural China.