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中国留学生杨舒平Shuping Yang资料人肉

马里兰大学Shuping Yang杨舒平辱华演讲完整视频

来源:发型站时间:2017-05-22 14:27责编:网站小编

马里兰大学Shuping Yang


  一 努力学习就像何江那样通过自己的优秀不断改变外国人对中国印象的精英。

  二 虽然自己能力并不那么优秀但尽力不给国家摸黑添麻烦的人。


马里兰大学Shuping Yang


  Good afternoon faculty students parents and friends.各位家长、同学、朋友们,下午好!

  I am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland, Class of 2017.我很荣幸,也很感激能够在马里兰大学2017届毕业典礼上发言。

  People often ask me: Why did you come to the University of Maryland?人们经常问我:为什么你选择来马里兰大学?

  I always answer: Fresh air.我总是回答:新鲜的空气。

  Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China, and left the terminal at Dallas Airport. I was ready to put on one of my five face masks, but when I took my first breath of American air. I put my mask away.五年前,我从中国来到美国,出了达拉斯机场航站楼,呼吸到在美国的第一口空气后,我就丢掉了正准备戴上的五层口罩。

  The air was so sweet and fresh, and oddly luxurious.这里的空气是如此的新鲜甜蜜,尽管说起来奇怪,但这对我来说很奢侈。

  I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China, where I had to wear aface mask every time I went outside, otherwise, I might get sick.我大感意外。我在中国的都市中长大,每次外出都必须戴口罩,不然的话,我可能会生病。

  However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport.所以,当我在机场外面呼吸到第一口空气的时候,

  I felt free.然而,在机场外深呼吸的那一刻,我感到了自由。

  No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression.Every breath was a delight.不再有蒙在眼镜上的浓雾,不再有呼吸困难,不再有压抑的生活。每一口呼吸都是一种愉悦的体验。

